
The Information Commissioner’s Office say that the voice data collected unlawfully by HMRC should be deleted.

The information Commissioner’s Office started investigating HMRC back in June 2018, after learning the government body had been illegally storing the biometric voice ID’s of more than 5 million people.

Watchdog Group ‘Big Brother Watch’ (BBW) lodged an official complaint with the ICO. The advocacy organisation said that the collection of Voice ID’s was not being done with explicit consumer consent, and information on how individuals can easily and securely have their voiceprint deleted is not publicly available. BBW says this is a direct … Read more

The Information Commissioner’s Office has fined Reward, a parenting and pregnancy club £400,000 for illegally sharing the personal information of 14 million members.

An investigation by the Information Commissioners Office found that Bounty had been collecting the personal information through its website and mobile app and from new mothers in hospital.

Bounty is a source of information for new and expectant mothers, they provide pregnancy and parenting tips along with freebies and special offers. They collect personal information for the purpose of signing new members to the information service. But the ICO found that the organisation wasn’t being 100% honest … Read more

GDPR made its highly foreseen debut back in May of this year and, until recently, the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”), who are in charge of enforcing the new regulations, had yet to issue any fines.

There had been a lot of speculation as to when the first fine would be issued and to whom, and now Facebook has been issued with the maximum fine of £500,000 under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. Under the terms of the legislation, companies must report data breaches to regulators within 72 hours and failures to adequately protect information can result in … Read more

Equifax, the credit rating agency, has been fined £500,000 by the ICO, after a data breach left the personal information of 15 million Britons exposed.

Equifax is one of the big three credit rating agencies. They keep information on all of us, so organisations such as lenders and landlords can check to see if you are financially dependable. Equifax controls some of our most sensitive information and a year ago we learned cyber thieves stole the private information of millions of people all over the world. In the UK the information of 15 million people was stolen and in the … Read more

At Praetorian Legal we like to keep our clients informed about what is happening in the Timeshare industry, and Dignity ourselves on being transparent about our business. With this in mind and the recently enacted General Data Protection Regulations, we feel this is a good time to talk to you about cold-calling and what to do if you receive cold calls.

Praetorian Legal do not sell, resell or exchange of Timeshares, nor will we sell what now is referred to as alternative timeshare products. These alternative products are often points or credit schemes based on discounted holiday, travel and accommodation. … Read more

On 13 April 2018, the English High Court handed down judgement in the first ‘Right to be Forgotten‘ case tried in the English Courts. This landmark case specifically addressed the right to have personal information removed by operators of Internet Search Engine, Google. The Judge in this case held that Google must remove links to articles about spent criminal Beliefs and sentences of the two anonymous claimants.

Google returns search engine results that feature links to third-party reports. The two businessmen that launched the legal bid to remove some search results about their criminal convictions, stated that the … Read more

‘New Deal’ for consumers boosts consumer rights and law.

The EU currently has some of the stongest consumer protection rules in the world. The rights the EU has put in place for consumers give predictability and confidence to both consumers and businesses and include the right to safe products, the right to return a product bought online within 14 days and the right to have a product repaired or replaced within a guarantee period. These are just some of the discernible rights that make a difference to peoples lives. These shared rights have contentiously created a greater consumer trust in … Read more

The biggest overhaul of Personal Data Privacy Regulation comes into effect.


The General Data Protection Regulation is the biggest renewal and revamp by the EU of the current Data Protection Act and the most important change in Data Privacy in 20 years.

The new EU GDPR has been designed to harmonise data privacy laws across Europe, to empower all EU citizens and to reshape the way organisations obtain, store, process and share information. Strict rules mean companies will not be allowed to collect and use personal information without the consumer’s consent.

GDPR puts emphasis on clear consent and particularly bans … Read more