Here at Praetorian Legal we actively use feedback to constantly improve our delivery and to provide our clients with the best possible service.

Once we have terminated the timeshare, each client receives an Exit Pack. Each Exit Pack contains various documents, one being a testimonial form. There are various questions on the form asking the client to rate us out of 10 on different aspects of the service they received. We also ask the client to add any additional comments to the bottom of the form.

Upon receipt, the testimonials are reviewed by senior management to ensure we are providing the highest level of service possible and Evaluate any areas that may need to be improved on.

As a thank you for taking the time to complete our feedback questionnaire, we enter clients into a quarterly prize draw where we give the lucky winner £250.00 cash paid directly into their bank account.

We are pleased to announce, that the winner for this quarter’s quarterly prize draw, is Mr & Mrs Clark! Their testimonial read ‘’We are over the moon. What a relief to find Praetorian Legal who actually do what they say and not to have to pay up front. We have been through hell the past 12 years and just wish we had found you earlier!’’ When we told Mrs Clark she had won she added ‘’What a lovely surprise to win £250, we’ve never won anything before. Thanks Praetorian Legal what a bonus to get after you managed to get our maintenance payments stopped on our Silverpoint timeshare. It must have been our lucky day when we found you, we cannot thank you enough.’’

Our prize draw takes place on the last day of every quarter month, on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September & 31 December. Winners will be notified within 7 days and details will be published on our website at; subject to approval.

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